

I learned to knit when I was about 6 years old, while I was in after-school. There was an elderly woman there that taught me to knit. Even if she hadn't taken the time to teach me, I would have been taught it later. I grew up in a family where all the women knit, so I've never known that it was possible to not knit. During my teens the knitting was put away and the pencil picked up instead. I was more interested in art for a long while. What brought knitting back into my life was a deep wish to own a pair of Norwegian selbu mittens.

My mum would not knit me a pair. It's not that she can't, but rather that I could do it myself if forced. I had never tried stranded knitting before, so this was something brand new for me. It was not easy, I had to re-learn how to knit on five needles, I frogged the knitting many times and I had to figure out how to hold two strands of yarn at the same time. But i succeeded and the knitting fire had been re-lit!

I'm known at work as the knitting girl. I've overheard people mention me, not knowing my name but referring to me as "that young girl that's always knitting". I'm strangely pleased with that, but it also goes to show just how big a part of my life knitting is. I've even got an emergency kit in my closet at work; one ball of sock yarn and 5 double-point needles. You know, just in case I should forget my knitting at home.

From this post it looks like I only knit stranded, but I don't. I'll show you more of what I'm knitting later, but I update my Ravelry and Instagram frequently.