Setting up this blog again has been confusing. The blogosphere is huge, and I've struggled to figure out what I actually wanted to do with mine. I use Instagram regularly, and I follow a lot of great people. But sometimes they post images I want to look closer at, and I just so wish they had a webpage as well where I could look closer at what they share. That's what I want this page to be; an extension of the profile I keep at IG.
For the past 5-8 years my online avatar has been an owl with red glasses. That started in my youth because, apparently I look a bit like an owl according to friends, and I wear big, red glasses. Hence;

I had an idea to change my avatar when I first started refurbishing this blog. So I drew up several sketches for a new owl.
But for now I'm just keeping my avatar and I'll get back to this idea.
Mainly because I can't decide on any of the above. They're all sweet, but non of them feel like "me"!